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working program 2023-2026


organized by the researchers from the working group Cinema & Politics for the peers, as part of the CineLab research structure



Cinema & Politics is a film screening and panel discussion programme that proposes a critical and reflective analysis of the impact of cinema on contemporary society, addressing philosophical, socio-economic and socio-cultural issues. Through a careful selection of films that explore relevant themes, such as power, democracy, (in)equality, freedom, justice, resistance, memory, ecology, globalization, among others, this programme aims to stimulate debate and reflection on the relevance of cinema in understanding today’s world.

The programme also offers a space for discussion and exchange of ideas – since the sessions are always followed by discussions, moderated by researchers and students, with the participation of guests with a direct connection to the proposed theme, thus seeking to deepen reflection and encourage the collective construction of the knowledge.

The programme is organized by the research group Cinema & Politics: Philosophical Approaches, within the scope of the activities of the Laboratory of Cinema and Philosophy (
CineLab) and with the support of the Laboratory of Dissemination (OutLab), in collaboration with PENHA SCO and Cossoul.




CineMagia - Cinema and Philosophy in the Library is a programme for children aged 4 to 10 that combines fun and learning. With a programme that combines short film screenings with animation and poster-making workshops, CineMagia aims to stimulate creativity and help children think about important values.

In the cinema sessions, children watch carefully selected short films to reflect on issues such as: respect for and preservation of nature, family dynamics, friendship, emotions and the importance of empathy. After the screening, they are encouraged to express their ideas and opinions about the films and the issues they have raised, always guided by the programme's researchers and educators.

To make the experience even more enriching, CineMagia also offers animation and poster workshops, through which children can put their creativity into practice. In these workshops, children learn to create simple animations or to develop visual concepts, imagine and (re)create the posters. With CineMagia, children have the opportunity to get to know the world of cinema and animation in a fun and educational way, while exploring their creativity to reflect on important values and develop critical thinking.


The programme is organized by the research group Cinema & Politics: Philosophical Approaches, within the scope of the activities of the Laboratory of Cinema and Philosophy (CineLab) and with the support of the Laboratory of Dissemination (OutLab), in collaboration with the Library of Goethe-Institut Lisboa.

working program 2019-2022


1st International Conference on Cinema, Philosophy and… Children's World

to be held at NOVA FCSH, Lisbon. July 9 – July 10, 2019


Film Programming and Debate Cycles on Cinema and Refugees 

Co-organized by CineLab, EpLab and CEIS20

As a task for the Project PTDC/FER-ETC/30378/2017 – “Integration of Refugees in Portugal: Assessing Moral Duties and Integration Policies in the Context of European Values and Policies” | Coordinated by Gabriele De Angelis at EPLab – Ethics and Political Philosophy Lab | Ifilnova


Cinema & Philosophy in the Library

as a task of both the CineLab and the Dissemination Lab Programs.



          as a task of both the CineLab and the Dissemination Lab Programs.

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 © 2024 Cinema and Politics: Philosophical Approaches

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